Wednesday, August 8, 2012


This year my kids really enjoying their Ramadhan..mana x nya they so happy sbb since day 1 x pergi KAFA ( Sekolah Pagi) woke up at 10am after subuh..then balik skolah i cooked almost everyday.. Ayah bought 1 box full of pop-pop ( tu jer yg kasi main) if i ckp i cuti masak then they like "why ibu... nanti nk makan apa.. nak ibu masak ( n me wat2 jengkel walhal dlm hati ada taman) " it becoz this year i rajin buat nasi kenduri..dats why .. then mengaji cuti coz ustazah ajar awal habis if lambat pintu tutup coz ustazah prepare nk g tarawih.. sumtimes if ayah pergi tarawih seronok la follow..tiap2 hari tny..mlm nie ayh keja x? kalau x keja nk ikut g terawihhh.. then sampai masjid syok la jumpa geng.. but I worn them g masjid x solat balik siap la!!!

 If x p terawih.. after berbuka g main kat luar untill 10pm balik baru buat kerja skolah.. n... they x merungut la ngantuk coz nk kena, sronok main time buat home work nk bebel ngantuks laks.... n dats why they really enjoyed tis ramadhan... I want them to feel happy bila tibanya  Ramadhan..

#Harap2 bertemu lagi Ramadhan akn datang..AMEEN

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